Have you ever been curious what it might have been like to work behind the scenes during America’s Space Race? Today’s show brings you an inside look from the perspective of an aerospace engineer on designing and building the very systems that put our countrymen into outer space, including his participation in saving the lives of those aboard Apollo 13. Join us as we interview Harlan Neuville about working under NASA contract and much more!
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Cruise Flight
- Meet Harlan Neuville
- US and Soviet ICBM Race
- First Man in Space
- Sputnik
- Wernher von Braun
- Kennedy’s Lunar Goal Speech
- Early Unmanned Lunar Attempts
- NASA Computers
- Dr. Draper and Inertial Guidance
- The Mercury Program
- The Gemini Program
- The Apollo Program
- Apollo 11
- Landing Challenges Apollo 11
- Apollo 13 Accident
- Lunar Rover and Weight
- Apollo 16 Geology
- Bouncing on the Moon
- Walking on the Moon Video
- Falling on the Moon Video
- Apollo 11 Landing and Dust
- Apollo 11 Docking in Lunar Orbit
- Navigation by Stars
- Celestial Navigation
- Moon Landing Hoax Theories
- Buzz Aldren on Lunar Hoax Theories
- Harlan in Mission Control
- RC Planes
- And more!
After Landing Checklist
No Picks of The Week were included in this interview episode.
Virgin Galactic Space Flight Fund
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Listen to Episode 23 Below
[audio: http://media.blubrry.com/stuckmicavcast/traffic.libsyn.com/stuckmicavcast/StuckMicAvCast_-_Episode_23_-_Space_Race_-_Apollo_Moon_Program_-_RC_Aircraft.mp3]CLICK HERE to play mobile friendly version
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