Both Carl and Len are airline pilots and go through a great deal of recurrent flight and ground training each year. As an airline Captain, Carl has recurrent ground training once a year and recurrent simulator every six months. As an airline First Office, Len has has the same except his simulator training is only once every 12 months.
As general aviation pilots, we’re only required to have a flight review every 24 months. Do you think that’s safe? Do you think that’s enough to maintain your proficiency for your flight certificates? During this episode, we spent a great deal of time discussing recurrent pilot training, how to stay proficient, and sharing co-host methods for staying safe in their respective aircraft including some excellent reasons why recurrent training is not only important, but extremely beneficial.

You may recall in a previous episode the announcement that Victoria was hosting a Women Fly it Forward event at the Frederick Municipal Airport, Frederick, MD KFDK on March 10th. This day is an opportunity for women of all ages to experience their very first airplane ride for FREE as a way to promote aviation to more women. Victoria is PROUD TO ANNOUNCE that ERA pilot Sarah Fraher of Flying Wild Alaska fame will be in attendance at Women Fly It Forward to help promote and share aviation with the ladies in attendance. Don’t miss this event on March 10th! Register today - seats are filling up fast.
Cruise Flight
- Cape Cod Crash – the accident that spurred our recurrent training discussion
Crash Victims Veteran Pilots - Crash Victims Found
- AOPA Air Safety Foundation Emergency Procedures
- Mindtools Learning Skills
- Pilot Proficiency
- Upset Recovery Training
- Interview with @PilotKellie
- FAA Wings Program
- NTSB Accident Database
- Plane Crash Info
After Landing Checklist
~ Picks of The Week ~
- Rick – Gene Benson Aviation
- Victoria – US Wings Pilot Shop
- Len – GoPro Hero 2 HD Video Camera. Camera capabilities: Glasair Demo Flight & Women Fly It Forward Promo example videos
- Carl – Tailwinds Cafe
Contact Us
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