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From the Back Seat: Roy Brewer

From the Back Seat of a Fighter to The Front Seat Of A Warbird with Roy Brewer. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com

Today I have with me a friend and military aviator who wants to discuss jobs you may not realize are available in the military, Roy Brewer. Roy is retired military, active recreational aviator. His career is varied and he is a pilot who is truly had an interesting aviation career.


At AviationCareersPodcast.com, you can find the Scholarships Guide, Career Coaching, and various courses online.  Don’t forget to use the coupon code “payitforward”, all one word. Through the generosity of others you may receive the scholarships guide for free. 

If you want to make a difference in someone’s life by giving away a free scholarships guide please visit the Pay It Forward tab and listen to the short video on how you can help someone achieve their goals. For as little as 10 dollars you can make a huge impact in someone’s life by purchasing a year access to the scholarships guide online.

Want to purchase a Pay It Forward and give the gift of the scholarships guide to a specific person?  That is easy simply purchase the Pay It Forward Coupon and forward the receipt to us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com. We will send you a coupon the person can use online to receive the scholarships guide for free.

How you can help students succeed at Polk State College by supporting the flight team. http://www.polkstateflightteam.com/donate/

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • Military career
  • 10 years as enlisted and 10 years officer. 
  • Enlisted jobs:
    • 1. Avionics Technician
    • 2. Avionics Master Technician
    • 3. Avionics Master Instructor
  • Officer jobs:
    • 1. Weapons Director
    • 2. Senior Director - missile firing
    • 3. Director of Operations
    • 4. Soviet Aggressor
    • 5. Special Ops - Director of Operations/Squadron Commander
  • Aircraft owner X 2 - negotiations with my wife
    • Costs of ownership 
    • Is this a good way to build hours for a career?

Links Mentioned in This Podcast:

How To Be A Guest On Aviation Careers Podcast

restricted radiotelephone license

Is the FCC restricted radiotelephone license required for the majors and other questions with Eric Crump. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com


At AviationCareersPodcast.com, you can find the Scholarships Guide, Career Coaching, and various courses online.  Don’t forget to use the coupon code “payitforward”, all one word. Through the generosity of others you may receive the scholarships guide for free. 

If you want to make a difference in someone’s life by giving away a free scholarships guide please visit the Pay It Forward tab and listen to the short video on how you can help someone achieve their goals. For as little as 10 dollars you can make a huge impact in someone’s life by purchasing a year access to the scholarships guide online.

Want to purchase a Pay It Forward and give the gift of the scholarships guide to a specific person?  That is easy simply purchase the Pay It Forward Coupon and forward the receipt to us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com. We will send you a coupon the person can use online to receive the scholarships guide for free.

This month we have 32 new scholarships and 27 updates. 

We added some new international scholarships, particularly from Australia. 

How you can help students succeed at Polk State College by supporting the flight team. http://www.polkstateflightteam.com/donate/

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • I would be interested in learning more about Part 135 cargo operations.
  • Will the restricted radiotelephone license meet the requirements for a legacy carrier or do I need to get the full license?
  • I don’t know if chasing a degree is something I want to spend my time and money on, but is that going to hurt me in the long term of being competitive?
  • What are your thoughts about autonomous aircrafts? When do you think it will start taking over pilot jobs?

Links Mentioned in This Podcast:

How To Be A Guest On Aviation Careers Podcast


ACP241 Aviation jobs for those with low flying time.

aviation careers podcast

Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com


At AviationCareersPodcast.com, you can find the Scholarships Guide, Career Coaching, and various courses online.  Don’t forget to use the coupon code “payitforward”, all one word. Through the generosity of others, you may receive the scholarships guide for free. 

If you want to make a difference in someone’s life by giving away a free scholarships guide please visit the Pay It Forward tab and listen to the short video on how you can help someone achieve their goals. For as little as 10 dollars you can make a huge impact in someone’s life by purchasing a year access to the scholarships guide online.

Want to purchase a Pay It Forward and give the gift of the scholarships guide to a specific person?  That is easy simply purchase the Pay It Forward Coupon and forward the receipt to us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com. We will send you a coupon the person can use online to receive the scholarships guide for free.

This month we have 32 new scholarships and 27 updates. 

We added some exciting, new international scholarships, including many from Australia.

How you can help students succeed at Polk State College by supporting the flight team. http://www.polkstateflightteam.com/donate/

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • As a military pilot can I take the FAA dispatchers test and waive the practical exam? Is it worth sitting for that test when I take my ATP written?
  • What are some aviation jobs for those with very low flying time? I would like to start flying for hire as soon as possible after I obtain my commercial license, and before I get my flight instructor rating. 
  • One of my biggest concerns with being a pilot would be having a family emergency arise while at work.
  • With Mandatory retirements coming up over the next decade or so-do you think this will drastically change how senior/junior some bases get?
  • The Regional airline model.

Links Mentioned in This Podcast:

How To Be A Guest On Aviation Careers Podcast


ACP240: Is a flying career unattainable and unrealistic? Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com


At AviationCareersPodcast.com  You can find the Scholarships Guide, Career Coaching, and various courses online.  Don’t forget to use the coupon code “payitforward”, all one word. Through the generosity of others you may receive the scholarships guide for free. 

If you want to make a difference in someone’s life by giving away a free scholarships guide please visit the Pay It Forward tab and listen to the short video on how you can help someone achieve their goals. For as little as 10 dollars you can make a huge impact in someone’s life by purchasing a year access to the scholarships guide online.

Want to purchase a Pay It Forward and give the gift of the scholarships guide to a specific person?  That is easy simply purchase the Pay It Forward Coupon and forward the receipt to us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com. We will send you a coupon the person can use online to receive the scholarships guide for free.

How you can help students succeed at Polk State College by supporting the flight team. http://www.polkstateflightteam.com/donate/

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • I was always under the impression that flying for a career was unattainable and unrealistic.
  • For guys like myself, who have the build of an offensive lineman finding comfortable clothing can be quite challenging.
  • Does the scholarship guide include scholarships for career changers? 
  • How long did it take you to move from 0 hours to flying for the regionals and what do you think a good timeline would be?
  • Is pursuing a position as a cadet with a regional worth doing in terms of attaining reimbursement money and additionally in providing assistance in completing hours towards ATP as a CFI/CFII?
  • How important of a factor in your opinion is a regional being wholly owned by a major in terms of stability and security for the regional and in turn for its employees?
  • Is a guaranteed flow through to a major an important factor in considering a regional in today’s job economy or is this not something to worry about?
  • Is it best to remain a “free agent”  or is getting in the door early with an airline by way of a cadet program a wise choice worth considering?
  • What are some aviation jobs for those with very low flying time? I would like to start flying for hire as soon as possible after I obtain my commercial license, and before I get my flight instructor rating. 

Links Mentioned in This Podcast:

How To Be A Guest On Aviation Careers Podcast

Photo Credit: Zorgist at Pixabay


SMAC221 Smoke In The Cockpit

Smoke In The Cockpit

Welcome to the show about learning to fly, living to fly, and loving to fly. Recently, Carl made and emergency landing after the cockpit began filling with smoke. Many lessons were learned from this event. Besides relating a tense inflight emergency we discuss how you can better prepare for a smoke or inflight fire.

Preflight Checklist:

First a quick word from our sponsor.

 AviationCareersPodcast.com - Scholarships, Career Coaching, and Interview Preparation. 

News And Announcements:

Girls In Aviation Day - Sat Oct 5th


International Seaplane Fly-in In Maine Sept 5-8 Moosehead lake.

ICAO Flight plan format now required as of 8/27/2019

Reminder - National Clearance Delivery Number no longer available as of 6/20/2019

Cruise Flight:

Why yes that is smoke.



Types of smoke and fumes.

Why oxygen is not the best answer since it can feed the fire.

How you can better prepare for smoke in the cockpit.

Practicing smoke and fire emergencies.

When is it smoke or fire?



After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

Carl - https://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/demo-ievac-smoke-hood.html

Tom - https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/

Russ - The Happy Bottom Riding Club: The Life and Times of Pancho Barnes https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/940621.The_Happy_Bottom_Riding_Club

Michael - https://www.flysnf.org/help_bahamas/

Links Mentioned In The Podcast



ICAO Flight Plan required: https://faasafety.gov/SPANS/noticeView.aspx?nid=9616

ICAO Flight Plan guide: https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/systemops/fs/res_links/media/icao_flight_plan_filing.pdf


Activities Are About Building a Better You- Not A Better Resume

Activities Are About Building a Better You- Not A Better Resume. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com


At AviationCareersPodcast.com  You can find the Scholarships Guide, Career Coaching, and various courses online.  Don’t forget to use the coupon code “payitforward”, all one word. Through the generosity of others, you may receive the scholarships guide for free. 

If you want to make a difference in someone’s life by giving away a free scholarships guide please visit the Pay It Forward tab and listen to the short video on how you can help someone achieve their goals. For as little as 10 dollars you can make a huge impact in someone’s life by purchasing a year access to the scholarships guide online.

Want to purchase a Pay It Forward and give the gift of the scholarships guide to a specific person?  That is easy simply purchase the Pay It Forward Coupon and forward the receipt to us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com. We will send you a coupon the person can use online to receive the scholarships guide for free.

Thank You, Adam, for Paying It Forward.

How you can help students succeed at Polk State College by supporting the flight team. http://www.polkstateflightteam.com/donate/

In This Episode We Discuss:

Why volunteer.

Getting involved in a sport.

Competitive flying.


Winning with integrity.

Don’t just build a resume build yourself.

Joining organizations. 

Links Mentioned in This Podcast:

How To Be A Guest On Aviation Careers Podcast


ACP238 Aviation Author Chris Pezalla

Chris Pezalla

Aviation Author Chris Pezalla. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com

Today we have a guest who has been on the show in the past and has been a prolific writer of aviation books and manuals, Chris Pezalla. Chris is an Airline Pilot, Aviation Attorney, and Writer who has numerous degrees and is currently seeking a masters in Aviation Law.

As we heard in the last episode aviation journalism is both challenging and rewarding. Our guest Chris focuses primarily on informational books and manuals. He also produced a video from one of his books “The Advanced Guide To Holding Patterns” which you can find in our courses page or clicking the link at the bottom of the show notes.

Before we introduce Chris a few announcements. 


At AviationCareersPodcast.com  You can find the Scholarships Guide, Career Coaching, and various courses online.  Don’t forget to use the coupon code “payitforward”, all one word. Through the generosity of others you may receive the scholarships guide for free. 

If you want to make a difference in someone’s life by giving away a free scholarships guide please visit the Pay It Forward tab and listen to the short video on how you can help someone achieve their goals. For as little as 10 dollars you can make a huge impact in someone’s life by purchasing a year access to the scholarships guide online.

Want to purchase a Pay It Forward and give the gift of the scholarships guide to a specific person?  That is easy simply purchase the Pay It Forward Coupon and forward the receipt to us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com. We will send you a coupon the person can use online to receive the scholarships guide for free.

The August scholarships are available! This month there are 25 new scholarships and 25 updates.

Thank You Michael for paying it forward and purchasing a scholarships guide for someone to fulfill their dream.

In This Episode We Discuss:

Chris’s experience growing up

  • Selling the parents on flying
  • Reading technical manuals at age 12
  • Joining AOPA at age 13
  • Meeting Rod Macho at age 17
  • Writing in High School and College

Learning to write

Booking writing experience and Holding patterns

  • Why write about holding patterns
  • Chris tells joke about not having cable tv
  • What were some of the challenges of writing a book

Writing for SeekingAlpha.com

  • Articles about the financial markets
  • Finally got to use the MBA
  • Paid for article, not for specific opinion

The new book

  • New book about airports – Pilots Guide to US Airport Operations
  • The book name and overview
  • Reasons for writing it
  •  Co-authors and others who helped
  • Helping to get co-author an interview
  • The photo work
  • Practical application
  • Cover-to-cover read or reference manual?

Links Mentioned in This Podcast:

How To Be A Guest On Aviation Careers Podcast

Advanced Guide To Holding Patterns

PIlot's Guide to US Airport Operations


SMAC220 Around The World In A GyroCopter


Around The World In A GyroCopter. Welcome to the show about learning to fly, living to fly, and loving to fly. Today we have a special gyrocopter episode and an interview with two people who love to fly gyrocopters so much one will be flying one around the world. Victoria sat down with Frank Noe and James Ketchell.

Preflight Checklist:

AviationCareersPodcast.com - Scholarships, Career Coaching, and Interview Preparation. 

The August scholarships are available! This month there are 25 new scholarships and 25 updates.

News And Announcements:

Girls In Aviation Day - Sat Oct 5th


International Seaplane Fly-in In Maine Sept 5-8 Moosehead lake.

Cruise Flight:

Victoria’s experience in Gyrocopters

How to get a rating to fly a gyrocopter.

Carl gets a new hangar

Hangar etiquette

Avoiding Hangar Rash

What are the 3 most important things I need to get for my Hangar?

Getting ready for the storm

After Landing Checklist:

Preview to smoke in the cockpit episode

Picks Of The Week:

Carl - https://www.bydanjohnson.com/great-news-for-gyroplanes-such-as-magni-gyro-a-video-pilot-report-at-midwest-lsa-expo/

Victoria - http://jamesketchell.net/product/the-ultimate-triathlon-book/ James’ first book about climbing Everest, rowing across the Atlantic, and cycling the world. 

Tom- Kermit and Miss Piggy WP-3D Orion https://www.omao.noaa.gov/learn/aircraft-operations/aircraft/lockheed-wp-3d-orion

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:




ACP237 Freelance Aviation Journalist Grant Boyd

Freelance Aviation Journalist Grant

Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write to us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com

Today we have a truly inspirational aviator Grant Boyd.  I have known Grant through the air show circuit and can attest to his passion for aviation. Grant Boyd grew up attending airshows with his father, where he fell in love with aviation and received his Private Pilot Certificate at 17. 

For college, Boyd went to Wichita State University, where he received an undergraduate degree in Marketing and an MBA. Today, he combines his love of business and aviation in a number of ways-most notably as a freelance aviation journalist. Having written more than forty articles for publications like Plane & Pilot, Twin & Turbine, Aviators Hot Line, and others, the 22-year-old loves covering a variety of aerospace-related stories and always looks forward to the next one. 

Additionally, Boyd also operates 'Boyd Aviation Group,' which is a niche, aviation marketing firm where he has provided services to several businesses within the industry. 


At AviationCareersPodcast.com  You can find the Scholarships Guide, Career Coaching, and various courses online.  Don’t forget to use the coupon code “payitforward”, all one word. Through the generosity of others, you may receive the scholarships guide for free. 

If you want to make a difference in someone’s life by giving away a free scholarships guide please visit the Pay It Forward tab and listen to the short video on how you can help someone achieve their goals. For as little as 10 dollars you can make a huge impact in someone’s life by purchasing a year access to the scholarships guide online.

Want to purchase a Pay It Forward and give the gift of the scholarships guide to a specific person?  It is easy! Simply purchase the "Pay It Forward Coupon" and forward the receipt to us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com. We will send you a coupon that the person can use online to receive the scholarships guide for free.

The August scholarships are available! This month there are 25 new scholarships and 25 updates.

Thank You, Jeff, for paying it forward and purchasing a scholarships guide for someone to fulfill their dream.

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • Grant and his passion for aviation.
  • Why you should follow your dreams.
  • Advice for aspiring aviation journalists.

Links Mentioned in This Podcast:

How To Be A Guest On Aviation Careers Podcast

Grant’s LinkedIn Profile

Grant’s Email




First Article

B-17 Article

HGTV Article

Photo Credit: Grant Boyd


What to tell my child

What To Tell My Child Pursuing a Career I Don’t Like. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com


At AviationCareersPodcast.com You can find the Scholarships Guide, Career Coaching, and various courses online.  Don’t forget to use the coupon code “payitforward”, all one word. Through the generosity of others, you may receive the scholarships guide for free. 

If you want to make a difference in someone’s life by giving away a free scholarships guide please visit the Pay It Forward tab and listen to the short video on how you can help someone achieve their goals. For as little as 10 dollars you can make a huge impact in someone’s life by purchasing a year access to the scholarships guide online.

The July scholarship is available! This month there are 29 new scholarships and 6 updates.

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • Thank you Russ Bonchu.
  • How To Pay It Forward To An Individual.
  • What to do if I am taking medication not approved by the FAA?
  • Living in a high-cost area and starting an aviation career.
  • How do I encourage my child to go into an airline career if mine has been a disaster?

Links Mentioned in This Podcast:

How To Be A Guest On Aviation Careers Podcast

Photo Credit: Ciggy1 on Pixabay