Welcome to episode 305. Today we recap our best experiences from AirVenture 2023. Joining me today is Bill English.
Preflight Checklist:
This episode is sponsored https://www.aviatorsclinic.com Flight Medicine for pilots by pilots. Use the Coupon Code AviatorsClinic to get a free scholarship guide.
Cruise Flight:
The Airventure experience is both online and in person.
The Safari
- Flying into OSH - preparation, what you need, the NOTAM, where to stay, etc.
- This year's attendance
- "What do you do here?"
- All the different aircraft areas
Workshops - I did a fabric workshop
Forums - Training safety, multi-engine, engine teardown,
The show planes, airshows
Twilight fest
Night show
Vendors, food, swag,
People make it great. Visiting the airshow family and bringing new people.
After Landing Checklist:
Pick Of The Week:
Carl - https://youtu.be/5MMpz8sIang When AirVenture ends, but you can’t let go yet…
Bill - Like a little slice of OSH on a grass field!! https://tta.aero/ttfi/ Triple Tree Fly-In, South Carolina. SC00
This episode is sponsored https://www.aviatorsclinic.com Flight Medicine for pilots by pilots. Use the Coupon Code AviatorsClinic to get a free scholarship guide.
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