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SMAC291 2021 Holiday Flying Festival and Car Show Day 1


Welcome to episode 291. The crew of Stuck Mic AvCast spoke with some amazing aviators about airplanes and flying. In the next two episodes, we bring to you interviews from the show highlighting passionate aviators, interesting products, and some really cool airplanes. Joining me at the show are Tom Frick, Bill English, and Eric Crump.

Preflight Checklist:

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Cruise Flight  

Interviews from Day 1 of the Flying Festival 

  1. Intro with Bill English and Tyler Koonce.
  2. Right Rudder Aviation - Andrew Chan - Pipistrel Panthera - https://rightrudderaviation.com 
  3. Sarasota Avionics - Kirk Fryar - https://sarasotaavionics.com 
  4. Chris Miller Aviation Photographer - https://www.eaa.org/airventure/eaa-airventure-news-and-multimedia/airventure-photos : https://www.eaa.org/eaa/news-and-publications/eaa-news-and-aviation-news/news/12-22-2015-aviation-photography-award-for-eaa-lifetime-member 
  5. Rick Gilbride Cessna 195 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cessna_195 : https://www.cessna195.org/login/ : https://tta.aero : https://www.angelflight.com : https://cessna.org 
  6. Affordable AWOS Alternative - https://www.sayweather.com 
  7. Eric Crump - Polk State College - http://www.polkstateflightteam.com: https://www.polk.edu/aerospace/ 

After Landing Checklist:

