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SMAC228 Dual Engine Failure In A Jet with Bruce Monnier

Dual Engine Failure

Welcome to the show about learning to fly, living to fly, and loving to fly. Today we have a special guest Bruce Monnier to discuss lessons learned from his dual engine failure in a jet. Before we begin we have a few announcements.

Preflight Checklist:

First a quick word from our sponsor.

AviationCareersPodcast.com - Scholarships, Career Coaching, and Interview Preparation. 

This month we have 60 new scholarships and 3 updated scholarships.

News And Announcements:

Our next live event is Sun N Fun Aerospace Expo March 31 to April 5th.

Cruise Flight:

Bruce Monnier Medevac Pilot.

The aircraft he was flying the day of the incident.

Engine failure at FL350.

Second Engine Failure at 8000.

Glide to a landing in a jet.

Lessons learned from this incident.

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

No picks of the week.

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:

Interview with Baron Pilot



