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ACP240 Are you under the impression a flying career is unattainable and unrealistic?

ACP240: Is a flying career unattainable and unrealistic? Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write us at feedback@aviationcareerspodcast.com


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In This Episode We Discuss:

  • I was always under the impression that flying for a career was unattainable and unrealistic.
  • For guys like myself, who have the build of an offensive lineman finding comfortable clothing can be quite challenging.
  • Does the scholarship guide include scholarships for career changers? 
  • How long did it take you to move from 0 hours to flying for the regionals and what do you think a good timeline would be?
  • Is pursuing a position as a cadet with a regional worth doing in terms of attaining reimbursement money and additionally in providing assistance in completing hours towards ATP as a CFI/CFII?
  • How important of a factor in your opinion is a regional being wholly owned by a major in terms of stability and security for the regional and in turn for its employees?
  • Is a guaranteed flow through to a major an important factor in considering a regional in today’s job economy or is this not something to worry about?
  • Is it best to remain a “free agent”  or is getting in the door early with an airline by way of a cadet program a wise choice worth considering?
  • What are some aviation jobs for those with very low flying time? I would like to start flying for hire as soon as possible after I obtain my commercial license, and before I get my flight instructor rating. 

Links Mentioned in This Podcast:

How To Be A Guest On Aviation Careers Podcast

Photo Credit: Zorgist at Pixabay