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SMAC197 The Type Rating: Is One In Your Future?

Type RatingThe Type Rating: Is One In Your Future? Welcome to the Stuck Mic AvCast. Today we interview Russ Roslewski who recently completed his rating in the Citation II. Are you thinking of getting a rating? Why get a rating and how much does it cost? Today we talk about the reasons to get your rating and discuss how to get a rating with Russ. Maybe you are up for the challenge?

Preflight Checklist:

Sponsor: AviationCareersPodcast.com - Scholarships, Career Coaching, and Interview Preparation.

News And Announcements:

Sun N Fun 2019

Cruise Flight: The Type Rating: Is One In Your Future?

  • What is a Type Rating?
  • Why You Should Consider obtaining a type rating?
  • Do all ratings come with a high altitude endorsement?
  • How to pay for your rating and possibly obtain it for free!
  • Russ’s journey through the rating process.
  • Advice on how to successfully complete your type rating.

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

Carl: https://www.sportaviationexpo.com

Victoria: Aviation Daily News - http://aviationdaily.news/

Larry: Let’s all get in the mood for SnF - http://LiveATC.net/snf - great aviation interviews content, and a gentle reminder of why YOU need to be at Sun n Fun this year!

Tom: FAASafety.gov Part 107 Course (small UAS):

Drotams: https://skyvector.com/

Rick: Alliance Air War iOS game http://www.alliancethegame.com/airwar/

Russ: Skygods: The Fall of Pan Am by Robert Gandt - https://www.amazon.com/Skygods-Fall-Pan-Robert-Gandt/dp/0615611834/

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:


