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SMAC170 SeaPlane A Palooza 2018 Day 2

Preflight Checklist:

Welcome to a special episode of the Stuck Mic AvCast. Today we are reporting live from SeaPlane-A-Palooza 2018. Both Victoria Neuville and Carl Valeri spent the day interviewing pilots, instructors, and aviation enthusiasts at this unique airshow in Tavares, FL "America's Seaplane City". We had an amazing time interviewing theses passionate aviators and seaplane enthusiasts at this unique lakefront event.

A special thanks to Victoria's company Aviation Insurance Resources for helping sponsor this unique event. Aviation Insurance Resources provides a full range of aircraft insurance and aviation insurance products to clients of all sizes. They represent all of the major aviation insurance markets so they can offer you the broadest package of protection at the best available rates. Visit them at www.Air-Pros.com

Sponsor :



We will be reporting live from Sun N Fun this week. Don't forget to live stream Sun N Fun Radio at:


To find out more about Sun N Fun Radio visit: SUN 'n FUN Radio

Cruise Flight:

Interviews From SeaPlane A Palooza Day 2:

EAA Chapter 534 - Host of the pancake breakfast - John Weber

Air Boss Solutions - Jon Pawelkop - http://airbosssolutions.com

Victoria Flys in a Cessna 140 on floats with Sean Roth.

Rohr Balloons  Founder Chuck Rohr - https://rohrballoons.com

Super Rocket Maul On Floats, Steve Harris - https://sandollarseaplanes.com

Seaplane Bingo Sponsored by Jones Brothers Seaplanes - https://www.jonesairandsea.com

Air Unlimited - Chick Gregg -Scheduled flights to the Abacos in the Bahamas - http://flyairunlimited.com

After Landing Checklist:

Don't forget  to visit us this week for our daily show at Sun N Fun.

You can live stream us at LiveAtc.net/SNF