I love flying because I enjoy the people I meet, the places I visit, the amazing sites only seen from the air, and the sense of freedom I get while flying like a bird through the sky. I know many of you are thinking of becoming a pilot or know someone who has an interest in flying. There is an outstanding new resource in the form of free e-newsletter from the Experimental Aircraft Association, Reach For The Sky.
After reading their first issue I was very impressed by both the mix of stories and practical advice on learning to fly. After almost a decade of flight instructing I usually hear the same questions concerning learning to fly such as cost, time, and how to get started. This newsletter is a great resource for answering those questions and keeping your interest.
Every month you will receive a free e-newsletter with fun and practical information on flying and learning to fly. By receiving a monthly newsletter you can stay informed as to new developments and tools to help you or your aviation friends with flying,.
For those who are already pilots I would suggest this e-newsletter for tow reasons, it keeps the passion alive and reminds us why we started flying in the first place. A fresh after years of flying is always welcome and might motivate you to get out and dust off your wings if you have not flown recently.
I am at the airport every day because I am fortunate to have turned my passion of flying into my career. I suggest you read Reach For The Sky to keep the passion alive. For those thinking of flying this will be an invaluable resource.
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