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SMAC264 You Can Have a Successful Flight Instructing Business

Flight Instructing

Welcome to Episode 264. This episode is for flight instructors and those who are considering becoming a flight instructor, but instead of an episode about the technical details involved in instructing we will discuss how you can have a successful flight instructing business. Joining the discussion are CFI’s Tom Frick, Bill English, and Russ Roslewski.


Preflight Checklist:

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Cruise Flight (Talking Points): 

  • How to get started as a new CFI
  • Getting over initial anxiety and fears of flight instructing
  • Establishing yourself/building skills and reputation
  • Setting your rate
    • Hourly vs day rate
    • Should you charge for pre and post-flight? (carl)
    • How do you get paid? (carl)
  • Flight school vs independent
  • Listen to Part 2 for the remainder of the discussion.

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

Carl - https://www.sportaviationshowcase.com/

Tom - https://www.aopa.org/training-and-safety/advanced-training/cfi

Russ - Spaceman: An Astronaut's Unlikely Journey to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28439264-spaceman

Bill - http://code7700.com/ 

aviation safety and resources

Links Mentioned In This Podcast:
