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To Listen To Individual Interviews From Sun N Fun By The Stuck Mic Avcast Click Here.
Craning my neck as I look skyward every time I hear the sound of an airplane, catching a fleeting glimpse of a biplane as I drive under the cypress canopy trees covered with spanish moss. The sweet smell of citrus, clear skies, warm Florida sun, and the sound of airplanes tells me that it is time for my favorite aviation event of the year, Sun N Fun in Lakeland, Florida!
This event never gets old for me. My childhood fascination with planes is rekindled transforming this gray haired middle aged man into a young boy. For many pilots Sun N Fun is the annual aviation Phoenix, with the rebirth our our aviation passion occurring at this wonderful event.
I am especially excited this year since I will be able to share my passion for flight and bring you some interesting information as a field reporter for Sun N Fun Radio. Whether you are unable to make it to the event or are at the event and want to listen to interviews and keep up to date on the daily events and breaking news, tune into Sun N Fun Radio.
I will be walking around in My Stuck Mic AvCast T-Shirt so Please stop by and say hello if you see me. If you have something interesting to tells us and would like to be on Sun N Fun Radio I would love to interview you. There are many ways you can get in touch with me while at Sun N Fun. Of course you can stop by Sun N Fun Radio at the show but if you want an immediate response send me a tweet or e-mail me:
You can reach me on twitter @ExpertAviator
Send me an email at Carl@ExpertAviator.com
Stuck MicAvCast Live Saturday Night at 6:30 pm.
Len Costa and I will be broadcasting a live show of the Stuck Mic Avcast Saturday night at 6:30pm from the deck at Sun N Fun Radio. Our cohosts Victoria Neuville and Rick Felty will be joining us virtually on the internet thanks to the folks at LiveATC.net.
You can listen to Sun N Fun Radio right now at the Sun N Fun Radio page:

Stream it live from your mobile device Courtousy of Live ATC.net

Of course you can always visit the Sun N Fun Website for more information:

You an even get your free mobile app from Sporty’s below:
Sun N Fun 2012 App for Iphone and Ipad
Sun N Fun 2012 App for Android
Sun N Fun 2012 App for Kindle Fire.
Hope to see you at Sun N Fun or virtually on the Internet!
Enjoy the Show!